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CEM Utilities

Easy access to your Custom Elements Manifest

The CEM is a JSON file that describes the custom elements used in a web project. If you’ve never worked with the CEM before, you can think of it as all of the meta-data about your components and their APIs. At first glance, the CEM can be a bit overwhelming, but the CEM utilities are here to help!

The CEM utilities are collection of functions for working with the Custom Elements Manifest (CEM). They provide a way to retrieve and transform data from the CEM, making it easier to use the documentation for your web components.

There are four main utility categories in the CEM utilities library:

  • CEM Utilities - A set of tools for retrieving and transforming data from the Custom Elements Manifest
  • Deep Merge - A simple utility for merging two objects together
  • Description - Utilities for generating a descriptions for a custom element
  • String Utilities - A collection of common string manipulation utilities commonly used when working with data from the CEM


All of the utilities in this section are available in a single package.

Terminal window
npm install -D @wc-toolkit/cem-utilities