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Component Descriptions

Getting a description for a custom element can be a bit tricky. The content is typically all there, but it requires mapping the properties to be in a useable format. These utilities are designed to simplify those repetitive tasks by providing a set of functions for generating descriptions nicely formatted descriptions from the Custom Elements Manifest (CEM).


Terminal window
npm install -D @wc-toolkit/cem-utilities

Component Details Template

This function returns a formatted string with the details of the various APIs of a custom element.

import { getComponentDetailsTemplate, getComponentByTagName } from '@wc-toolkit/cem-utilities';
import manifest from './custom-elements.json' with { type: 'json' };
const component = getComponentByTagName(manifest, 'my-alert');
const description = getComponentDetailsTemplate(component);

The result will return a markdown formatted string with the details of the component’s APIs. This works well because most code editors and documentation tools support markdown.

A description about what an alert is and how to use it
### Attributes & Properties
Component attributes and properties that can be applied to this element.
- `open`: Indicates whether or not the alert is open. You can toggle this attribute to show and hide the alert, or you can
use the `show()`, `hide()`, and `toggle()` methods.
- `dismissible`: Enables a close button that allows the user to dismiss the alert.
- `variant`: The alert's theme variant.
- `open-delay` / `openDelay`: The amount of time in milliseconds before the alert is shown.
### Events
Events that will be emitted by the component.
- `alert-show`: Emitted when the alert is opened.
- `alert-hide`: Emitted when the alert is dismissed.
### Methods
Methods that can be called to access component functionality.
- `show() => void`: Shows the alert.
- `hide() => void`: Hides the alert
- `toggle() => void`: Toggles the `open` attribute and state.
### Slots
Areas where markup can be added to the component.
- `(default)`: The alert's main content.
- `icon`: An icon to show in the alert.
### CSS Parts
Custom selectors for styling elements within the component.
- `base`: The component's base wrapper.
- `icon`: The container that wraps the optional icon.
- `message`: The container that wraps the alert's main content.
### CSS States
These can be used to apply styling when a component is in a given state.
- `open`: Set when the alert is open.
- `closed`: Set when the alert is closed.

Configuring the Description

The getComponentDetailsTemplate function accepts an optional ComponentDescriptionOptions object that can be used to configure the output.

type getComponentDetailsTemplate(
component?: Component,
options?: ComponentDescriptionOptions,
isJsDoc?: boolean
) => string;

The ComponentDescriptionOptions object has the following properties:

/** Available options for configuring the way the components description is rendered */
export type ComponentDescriptionOptions = {
* The order in which the documentation for each of the APIs will be rendered
* If an option is not on the list, it will not be rendered
* @default ["attrsAndProps", "events", "methods", "slots", "cssProps", "cssParts", "cssState"]
order?: ApiOrderOption[];
* The property name of the component description.
* If not provided, it will default to the `summary` then to the `description` property.
* If you have created a custom description property, you can provide the name here.
* @default "description"
descriptionSrc?: "description" | "summary" | (string & {});
* If you have a custom property that contains your types, you can provide the name here.
* @default "parsedType"
altType?: string;
/** The options for each component API */
apis?: {
attributes?: ComponentApiOptions<Attribute>;
properties?: ComponentApiOptions<Property>;
attrsAndProps?: ComponentApiOptions<Attribute>;
propsOnly?: ComponentApiOptions<Property>;
events?: ComponentApiOptions<ComponentEvent>;
methods?: ComponentApiOptions<Method>;
slots?: ComponentApiOptions<Slot>;
cssProps?: ComponentApiOptions<CssCustomProperty>;
cssParts?: ComponentApiOptions<CssPart>;
cssState?: ComponentApiOptions<CssCustomState>;
/** Available options for setting the order of the docs APIs */
export type ApiOrderOption =
| "attributes"
| "properties"
| "attrsAndProps"
| "propsOnly"
| "events"
| "methods"
| "slots"
| "cssProps"
| "cssParts"
| "cssState";
/** A generic type for creating customized docs for components APIs */
export type ComponentApiOptions<T = unknown> = {
/** The section heading for the API */
heading?: string;
/** Additional section description for the API */
description?: string;
/** A template for rendering the API documentation */
template?: (api?: T[]) => string;


The order property is an array of strings that define the order in which the documentation for each of the APIs will be rendered. If an option is not on the list, it will not be rendered.

The default order is ["attrsAndProps", "events", "slots", "methods", "cssProps", "cssParts", "cssState"].

  • attributes - Attributes and the corresponding properties, but no property-only members
  • properties - All public properties
  • attrsAndProps - Both attributes and all public properties (including those without a corresponding attribute)
  • propsOnly - Only public properties without a corresponding attribute
  • events - Component events
  • methods - Component methods
  • slots - Component slots
  • cssProps - Component CSS custom properties
  • cssParts - Component CSS parts
  • cssState - Component CSS states

Component APIs

You have the ability to customize the output of each API section by providing a template function in the apis object.

The ComponentApiOptions object has the following properties is a generic so you can strongly type the API you are working with. For example, here would be a simple configuration for the slot documentation:

const options: ComponentDescriptionOptions = {
apis: {
slots: {
heading: 'Slots',
description: 'Areas where markup can be added to the component.',
template: (slots) => {
return => {
return `- \`${}\`: ${slot.description}`;

Because the slots API is an array of Slot objects, you can strongly type the slots parameter in the template function to get intellisense and type checking.


If the description is being used in a JSDoc comment, you can set the isJsDoc parameter to true to format the output to be places in a JSDoc comment. This is very helpful when these comments are being used in types.

Default Values

Thees are the default values applies to the ComponentDescriptionOptions object:

* Default options for rendering component descriptions
* @type {ComponentDescriptionOptions}
order: [
descriptionSrc: "description",
apis: {
attributes: {
heading: "Attributes",
description: "HTML attributes that can be applied to this element.",
template: (api?: Attribute[]) =>
?.map((attr) => {
const getName = (attr: Attribute) => === attr.fieldName || !attr.fieldName
? `\`${}\``
: `\`${}\`/\`${attr.fieldName}\``;
return `- ${getName(attr)}: ${attr.description}`;
.join("\n") || "",
properties: {
heading: "Properties",
description: "Properties that can be applied to this element using JavaScript.",
template: (api?: Property[]) =>
?.map((prop) => `- \`${}\`: ${prop.description}`)
.join("\n") || "",
attrsAndProps: {
heading: "Attributes & Properties",
"Component attributes and properties that can be applied to the element or by using JavaScript.",
template: (api?: AttributeAndProperty[]) =>
?.map((prop) => {
const getName = (prop: AttributeAndProperty) =>
prop.attrName === prop.propName || !prop.attrName
? `\`${prop.propName}\``
: `\`${prop.attrName}\`/\`${prop.propName}\``;
return `- ${getName(prop)}: ${prop.description} ${
!prop.attrName ? "(property only)" : ""
.join("\n") || "",
propsOnly: {
heading: "Properties",
description: "Properties that can be applied to this element using JavaScript.",
template: (api?: Property[]) =>
?.map((prop) => `- \`${}\`: ${prop.description}`)
.join("\n") || "",
events: {
heading: "Events",
description: "Events that will be emitted by the component.",
template: (api?: ComponentEvent[]) =>
?.map((event) => `- \`${}\`: ${event.description}`)
.join("\n") || "",
methods: {
heading: "Methods",
"Methods that can be called to access component functionality.",
template: (api?: Method[]) =>
?.map((method) => `- \`${method.type.text}\`: ${method.description}`)
.join("\n") || "",
slots: {
heading: "Slots",
description: "Areas where markup can be added to the component.",
template: (api?: Slot[]) =>
(slot) => `- \`${ || "(default)"}\`: ${slot.description}`
.join("\n") || "",
cssProps: {
heading: "CSS Custom Properties",
description: "CSS variables available for styling the component.",
template: (api?: CssCustomProperty[]) =>
(cssProp) =>
`- \`${}\`: ${cssProp.description} (default: \`${cssProp.default}\`)`
.join("\n") || "",
cssParts: {
heading: "CSS Parts",
"Custom selectors for styling elements within the component.",
template: (api?: CssPart[]) =>
?.map((cssPart) => `- \`${}\`: ${cssPart.description}`)
.join("\n") || "",
cssState: {
heading: "CSS States",
"These can be used to apply styling when a component is in a given state.",
template: (api?: CssCustomState[]) =>
?.map((cssState) => `- \`${}\`: ${cssState.description}`)
.join("\n") || "",

Main Component Description

The function for getting the component’s description is getMainComponentDescription. This function will return the main description of the component as well as any relevant deprecation information. If it’s deprecated, it will include @deprecated JSDoc tag as well as the the deprecation message.

The descriptionSrc parameter is used to specify the property name of the component description. If not provided, it will default to the summary then to the description property. If you have created a custom description property, you can provide the name here.

type getMainComponentDescription(
component: Component,
descriptionSrc?: "description" | "summary" | (string & {})
) => string;

Attributes & Properties

The getAttrsAndProps function returns an array of AttributeAndProperty objects that contain the attributes and public properties (including those not associated with an attribute) for a component. This returns a custom type that combines the Attribute and Property types.

type getAttrsAndProps(component: Component) => AttributeAndProperty[];
/** A combination of the Attribute and ClassField types from the custom elements manifest */
export type AttributeAndProperty = {
/** The name of the attribute */
attrName?: string;
/** The name of the property */
propName?: string;
/** A markdown summary suitable for display in a listing. */
summary?: string;
/** A markdown description. */
description?: string;
/** Name of the class this is inherited from */
inheritedFrom?: cem.Reference;
/** The type that the attribute will be serialized/deserialized as. */
type?: cem.Type;
/** The default value of the attribute or property. */
default?: string;
* Whether the attribute is deprecated.
* If the value is a string, it's the reason for the deprecation.
deprecated?: boolean | string;
/** Whether the property is static */
static?: boolean;
/** A reference to the source of a declaration or member. */
source?: cem.SourceReference;
/** Whether the attribute or property is readonly */
readonly?: boolean;

Property-Only Fields

The getPropertyOnlyFields function returns a list of properties that do not have a corresponding attribute.

type getPropertyOnlyFields(component: Component) => Property[];

Member Descriptions

The getMemberDescription function returns a description for a member of a component with any relevant deprecation information. If it’s deprecated, it will include @deprecated JSDoc tag as well as the the deprecation message.

type getMemberDescription(
description?: string,
deprecated?: boolean | string
) => string;